I'm gonna try something new (again) here in this blog. So as I mentioned before in my Bible Challenge post (which I will try to continue later on), I attend a cluster group every Tuesday. Well, they also have a service for youths every Friday night called U-night. Every month, they have different series that has topics that vary from discipleship all the way to love and relationship. So I'm gonna start talking about what I learned and understood from these services. Here we go. :)
So for the month of July, the series was titled 'Trending' and each week featured a song that's popular nowadays. They were #BornThisWay by Lady Gaga (which I wasn't able to attend due to flooding near my place), #CallMeMaybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, and #SomeoneLikeYou by Adele. So I'm starting my blog off with the last segment of a series since I thought of this idea pretty late. Oh well, better late than never.
So the night started off with praise and worship as always, starting off with Go and Chosen Generation and ending with my favorite song, Unending Love. It felt really good to sing along to songs that I knew, and it really got me into the mood to listen. As we took our seats, the hosts mentioned that for some of the first timers there, they might be wondering 'Who is this God that they are worshiping?' and they cited a bible verse to answer just that.
13Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?"
14God said to Moses, "I am who I am. This is what you say to the Israelites: 'I am has sent me to you.'"
Exodus 3:13-14
Then they had a short game with the audience. Some people came up on the stage to sing or dance to a few popular songs. After some time, the music team went back on stage to perform Someone Like You by Adele.
One of the first things they mentioned was that 'Everyone is in a search to be complete.' I was completely stricken by that single phrase. That was exactly how I felt. I mean, I know that I'm incomplete. I needed someone to help me with that. So I was amazed that this was the topic. And this line sparked a new question that almost everyone has asked themselves at least once in their lives: 'Who will complete me?'
The bible passage that was read that night was the story of Adam and Eve, found in Genesis 2:18-22. As the first line said, God was to create a helper for man. At first, it may seem a little sexist to say that women are just helpers to man, it also shows that in fact, man need help. So if any women are out there reading this, feel complimented by it, not insulted. Notice also in this line, God said "I will make..." A question that may pop into ones mind is 'Why does God need to make again? How come God didn't create woman on the 6th day, along with man?' Well the answer to that is kind of simple. It's because God created man as complete. Everyone is already complete. It's just that it would be better if man had a companion, right?
The second part of the reading that they emphasized was that God put Adam into a 'deep sleep'. Well the obvious reason for God to do that was so that Adam wouldn't have a panic attack while his rib was being taken out of his body. I mean, who in their right mind would want to be awake while that was happening? Well certainly not me. But that's beside the point. The real reason was because during that time that Adam was asleep, God was creating Adam's love story. As they said that night, God is more excited for our love story than even we are. God puts us to sleep to get us ready for the one that is meant for us. So all the time we are spending waiting for the right one to come along can be likened to the time that Adam was asleep. "Relationships are best experienced when character is properly built." This line just means that a relationship will most likely fail unless both sides are ready. It's not about the right time or right person, but if both are ready. I mean, what's the use of finding the right person at the right time if you're not mature enough to handle a relationship?
"...Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."
Song of Solomon 8:4
Think of it this way. 1 x 1 = 1 right? That's a well known mathematical fact. But what's the use if your significant other is already complete (meaning that they have already built their character) if you aren't? 1 multiplied with any fraction is still a fraction, not a whole. To make a relationship work, both have to be ready. So there really is no reason to rush into things. It's better to just wait and see what God has in store for each and every one of us.
So what does this mean? This means that instead of what I've been doing this past year, I should just sit tight and wait. I know to myself that I'm not mature enough to be in a relationship again, so I'm just gonna wait until I am. And how are we to know when we're ready? Well, we'll know when we know it. It's just something that we'll feel eventually.
And to end this post, here's a verse that may help us know if we're complete already:
"and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority."
Colossians 2:10
thank you :)