Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good Enough

After an entire term of hell, it all comes down to this. Standing by to see my final grades flashed on the screen. I'm not expecting much actually. I already know what subject I failed. The rest, I would settle for just passing. But who am I to blame but myself? I knew I was in trouble the minute I got back my first set of quizzes from my professors, but I didn't do anything to change that. I continued with letting my mind wander during class. Honestly, I deserve to fail almost all of my classes. That's why when I learned that I passed all but one, I figured that was good enough.

Back when I was in elementary, I would NEVER settle for 'good enough'. I wanted to be the best. I would memorize paragraphs in my textbooks, practice my reports at home, and actually give some effort. Now, I wonder what happened to the me back then. She probably got lost somewhere. Cause if you compare me back then and now, it's like two totally different girls. I've changed. I became rebellious. I became impatient.

I don't like how much I've changed. My standards went from the top all the way to average. So I'm gonna try to change back to how I was before. I'm gonna make an effort. I'm gonna study, take notes, and review. I WILL change back. And I will prove that I can do this. Two failures is enough, I don't wanna add to that. This time, I won't settle for 'good enough'.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Welcome to hell week! This is the last week we are allowed to take exams before the finals, so all of our classes have our last test within the span of this week. In just three days, we have four different exams, all of which are math related. Imagine that. A week full of numbers and theorems to memorize and understand. How stressful can a student's life get? Well it is our last push to pull up our grades before the finals, so everybody's serious. Well, almost everybody.

They've been having group study sessions almost everyday now. Last night they even stayed in Starbucks to study until the store closed. Honestly, I'm not really the 'group study' type of person. I find it much easier to study alone in my room while I listen to random music. I can't stand studying in a quiet room with just my notes and papers in front of me. I like to play games and surf the net while studying, contrary to what most of my classmates are used to. I'm just not compatible to study with the likes of them. And I say it's totally fine.

Another problem with me is that I rarely study before midnight. I find it hard to understand and absorb what I'm studying if it's too early (for my standards that is). But I hate being alone, so I still tag along to the study groups just for the company. But lately I guess that's being a little too selfish. I guess you can say that I'm just a distraction to them. While they're all busy reviewing, I'm playing games that have sharp sound effects. And if I'm not playing, I'm usually talking or sleeping. The sleeping part isn't too bad for them, but apparently I should learn to keep my mouth shut more. I guess I'm just naturally annoying. And now I kinda get why a lot of people don't like me. Well it's not like they tell me to my face that they dislike me (with the exception to a few souls that I truly appreciate for their honesty), but I can tell by the vibes they emit when I'm around. Maybe it's just my existence in general that irritates them, but I'm not sure.

So I guess I should just shut up and lay low for the next two weeks since finals are just around the corner. I don't want people to hate me more than they already do. I guess I just won't tag along to their study groups for a while. I prefer being alone than having people get mad at me. I'll just have some more alone time for myself.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Faith Factor: Acceleration

The second part of the mini series titled Faith Factor started off with praise and worship as usual. The songs played included Cornerstone, No Compromise, Go, With Us, and Hosanna. I really recommend listening to these songs. :)

When we sat down, they had a couple members of the music team come up on stage to sing a special number. Now normally I don't pay much attention to the songs they sing during this time, but they shocked me by singing a song that I know and love. It's called What Faith Can Do by Kutless, which I'll post here so that if someone sees this blog, they can listen to this great song. :)

Afterwards, the speaker came up on stage and gave a short recap of what went on during the first part of the series. She then stated the main point of the night: Faith that accelerates.

When you look in a dictionary, you can find that the definition of the word 'accelerate' means to cause greater activity, development, progress. In physics, it even has its own law that is given by the formula F=ma, meaning that force is the product of mass and acceleration. You can tweak that formula so that you can derive the acceleration so it becomes a=F/m. We can give F and m a different definition though, so that this formula would mean 'Acceleration is faith in motion'. The main verse of the night was
"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."
Hebrews 11:8

Notice that the verse started off with the words 'by faith', which is the entire topic of the series. Actually, the entire verse pretty much described what faith really is. And if the verse isn't enough, there's also an acronym to remind us of the meaning:
I guess you can say that this acronym pretty much summarizes the meaning of faith in a nutshell. Another verse was stated that helped to paint the picture.
31 Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Harran, they settled there.
32 Terah lived 205 years, and he died in Harran.
Genesis 11:31-32

As you can see, they stayed in Harran for a pretty long time. They didn't rush themselves or anything, but just decided to wait. That tells us that 'times of waiting helps up depend on Him and trust his timing.'

Back to the main verse, we find that Abraham was 'called' to go off to a far place. When we go back to the book of Genesis, we can find the story of the call of Abram.
1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Genesis 12:1-3

Take note that in this passage, God says the phrase 'I will' a total of six times. These are all of the promises that God made to Abram should he follow. And when God wills it, he fulfills it.

God told Abram to 'go to a place' that he would 'receive as his inheritance'. That means that it is another one of God's promises to him. But if you were in Abram's shoes, would you follow? If someone were to suddenly tell you that they'll give you a piece of land that is far away if you went there, would you really go without hesitation? The world today is filled with doubt. There's a chance that the promise someone makes with you won't be fulfilled. But are you willing to take that chance and go? Going back in the bible, we find this verse:
6 Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. 7 The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him.
Genesis 12:6-7

In this verse, we can see that Abraham built an altar. An alter is a symbol of devotion, so his act of building an alter shows his gratitude towards God. If you think about it, he has already gone a long way, yet he still works to show God how thankful he is. It is faith in motion that fuels our prayer and devotion.

The last main bit of the verse has the most impact. It is the part where he 'obeyed and went, even though'. I'm pretty sure almost everyone has a hard time to do something if there are a few details missing. When was the last time you knew you had something to do and you did it without hesitation? Normally when we know we have to do something or go somewhere, we would first ask questions like 'How can I be sure that will happen?' or 'What if I can't do it?' and that is totally natural. Many people like to be certain of things before acting. But when you follow someone's command without question, you have faith that you will still get your reward. Which gives us the lesson 'obey and go, even if we do not know'.

With this said, another speaker came up on stage. She shared with us another verse.

5 Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6

She then told us about all of the hardships she was going through, She spoke about how stressed she was because of exams and tests, how much pressure she had on herself, and of the sacrifices that she had to make. But the main point that she highlighted in the verses she cited was 'surely I have a delightful inheritance'. That short phrase showed that God will reward us for our hardships; all we have to do is have faith. 

After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:
“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”
Genesis 15:1

She then concluded her testimony by giving a few tips.

  • Put your faith on who, not on what - This means we have faith on God, not the result, for God is always there no matter what the result is.
  • Pray
  • Keep His word in your heart
The main discussion continued with a verse about what happened to Abram after going off to Canaan.
"Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe."
Genesis 12:10

The specific term used was 'famine', which meant a severe shortage of food. This was a major hardship in Abram's life, so he had to find refuge in Egypt. Even though he went to a different place, God still provided for him. For him, Egypt was a place of comfort. The problem is that Canaan is the promised land, not Egypt. That means Abram had to make a decision of whether to go back to Canaan or stay in Egypt where he lived comfortly. The thing is, when we run to Egypt, we are cowards. We are literally running away from our problems. We don't follow God's orders just so that we could live without a certain issue bothering us. But ask yourself - is that the right thing to do? I'm pretty sure every single one of us has run away from the path that God made for us for our own selfish needs. But if we read on, we find that Abraham still went back to Canaan. In the end, he still came back to God, which is exactly what we should do in that kind of situation.

God has no plan B. Everything that happens to us, God has willed it. Whether it be good or bad, God is still the one that wrote our story. If it is for good, we are blessed. Even if its bad, that's just God's way of saying that he has better in store for us. Nothing is an accident.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
Romans 4:20-21

The condition of your faith does not just affect you. It affects others. It affects the world. How you view your world gives a great insight as to the condition of your faith. Your perspective in turn affects how you act, not just when you're alone, but also when you're around others. And those acts will also affect the world around you.
"...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. This is a reminder that Jesus in the foundation of our faith. He is at the center of everything. So as long as we keep our eyes on him, we can have faith in Him.
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1

Jesus is the Foundation of a Faith that Accelerates.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


How would you feel if you gave someone a gift that you had planned for them for months, just to have them turn you down? What if that particular gift was worth 2 weeks of your allowance, meaning you could barely eat just to save up for it? Now what if it was your own mother who turned you down? Ouch right?

I know I'm not the best daughter in the world, but hearing something like that hurts. I go to give her my gift, and she tells me 'I'd rather you helped out instead of a gift'. Ugh, how am I supposed to help out if no one woke me up? It's like I'm repeating stuff from my Family post again.

Come on, I know my mistakes. I know where I went wrong. But this is just too much. Aside from being yelled at by my dad to wake up a little after 2PM, I get my gift rejected. I need a hug. Or a family. Or a family to hug. Cause I obviously don't have one of those.

Whenever I get something for some of my friends, the first thing that comes out of their mouths is a 'thank you'. And that's before even opening it. They're grateful without even knowing what it is they're receiving. Then I also get an occasional hug if they really like what they got. Why can't my own family do that? See, my friends are my REAL family.

I'm gonna keep this post short, since I still have to get ready for my mom's party. Anyways, I just wanna say happy birthday to my mom, even though I know she won't read this. Don't worry. I still love you.

Faith Factor: Surrender

This is a very late post, but it's better late than never. Unight had a series break composed of two meetings. It was pretty much all about faith, which is a pretty big topic on its own. I just figured that I should write about it. So here's the first installment of the mini-series. :)

The night began with praise and worship, and I recommend listening to the songs to get into the mood. The song list for the night included Nothing is Impossible, Search My Heart, Higher, and With Us. As we took our seats, they mentioned this verse that was a perfect way to start the series.
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1
As the actual discusion started, they cited a few verses that got me thinking.
6 “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.7 I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the Lord.’”
9 Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and harsh labor.
10 Then the Lord said to Moses, 11 “Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his country.”
12 But Moses said to the Lord, “If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with faltering lips?”
Exodus 6:6-12

Take note of the term 'faltering lips' in the last verse. It shows that even Moses was hesitant to do as God told him. The truth is, we all are. There are just some instances that even though we know what God wants us to do, we just can't find it in us to follow. That's normal for anyone, so it isn't something to be ashamed of. And if ever that time comes, God will find a way for us. In the next verse, we can see that happen.
Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. 2 You are to say everything I command you, and your brother Aaron is to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out of his country.
Exodus 7:1-2

We then skip years and years of the story to find Moses again, though much older. 
24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.
Hebrews 11:24-25

Moses did something that normal people wouldn't do. If you were given a title as grand as being the son/daughter of someone famous, wouldn't you want to boast about it? Instead, he chose to be mistreated instead of living in a life of luxury. He'd rather miss out on those privileges to be among other people of God. Which brings us to our main point. We have to learn to surrender our comfort zones. We have to step out of our safe zone if that is what God wants from us. We should be able to give ourselves up entirely to God. That includes the parts of our lives that we want to ourselves.

Many people follow God passionately, but only up to a certain point. For example, you're willing to commit yourself to going to church every week, BUT only if you don't have any prior plans with friends. There's always that "but" that hinders us from following God fully. We're willing to give up so much, except for that one aspect in your life. Now this could be different from person to person. It could be academics, family, friends, habits, hobbies, etc. The possibilities are limitless. It's because we find a sense of reassurance if we have control over a part of our lives. That's why we might be hesitant to let go of something. That's what we have to change. We have to learn to let go of everything for God, even if that means stepping out of our comfort zone. When we take that step out into the open, that is what you call faith.

Aside from our comfort zones, we also have weaknesses that may make us hesitant. You might think "I don't have any useful talent. I can't sing, dance, speak, or socialize. God can't use me.", but you're wrong about that. God will still use us, despite our weaknesses. God gave each and every one of us a talent of their own. It's just up to us to discover that talent so that you can use it.

For those that have already found their talent, another problem arises that stops us from being used by God. Time. We might find our schedules to be too hectic to be able to do anything. We might find ourselves facing the books the entire day, or busy working until the sun sets. But here's the thing: busyness is not an issue - Are you going to make time? What is just ten minutes from your crowded schedule? If you could find time to check your Facebook notifications, you could also find time to read a couple verses from the bible. You could find time to just close your eyes and have a short conversation with God. You could find time to pray. It's just a few minutes everyday. Is that really too much? Aside from surrendering our comfort zones, we should also learn to surrender our time.

Think of it this way. What do you have? You have a family, a home, the clothes on your back, the food that you eat, the money that you spend, the time that you live, and so much more. And where did all of those come from? No, not your parents. They all came from God. He was the one that gave us food when we were hungry, clothes when we were cold, and more. So how bad is it to just give a little back? Our understanding of what God rendered, gives us faith that surrenders.
"...since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect."
Hebrews 11:40

So all we really have to do is have faith in whatever God has in store for use. Faith produces surrender in our lives.
"...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2

Monday, November 12, 2012


I don't know whether I should be sad, amused, or annoyed by how my friends keep teasing me. They'll ask me if it still hurts, if I'm over you. What else am I supposed to answer other than the truth? I tell them I am, but the problem is that no one believes me. Alright, I admit it, even I don't believe myself at times. But I just don't feel it anymore. I'm not sure if it's because we don't talk anymore or what. You know, it's kinda hard to love someone you don't even talk to anymore, even if it's unrequited. It's like saying your favorite food is mashed potatoes when the last time you ate it was when you were seven years old. I guess you can still say it's your favorite, but who knows? Maybe your taste buds have changed within that time frame. Or maybe it's the food that changed.

Remember our old promises? Now that I think of it, I guess they were just on the spur of the moment, but a promise is still a promise. One of those promises occurred when we were still hiding stuff from each other. We then decided to make a promise: No secrets. Ever since then, we had become closer. We no longer had to hide anything. We kept through with our promise. But look at us now. Do you ever wonder how much you don't know about me anymore? Do you ever think about how much I've changed since we drifted apart? I know I still think about you and this promise. I think about what were the things you would've shared to me. What would you have said? Would you have told me where you went and what you did? I don't mean to be clingy, I'm just making a point. If you ask me now, I wouldn't even be sure if you had stayed in your house the entire vacation or what.

Another promise is a big one. Before we even went into our relationship, we were really close, especially for people that have only know each other for five months. I even told you secrets that I didn't dare tell my best friends. You were that important to me back then. I even considered you as a best friend too. I don't know if you still remember this, but I made you promise that no matter what happens to us, we would still be friends. Nothing is to change that. Short and simple. When we had just broken up, I was kinda afraid that things would be different between us. I was relieved to find that everything was still the same, minus the title. We even went to the mall together the day after our break up. And that was totally fine with me. It gave me the reassurance that I needed to see that everything would turn out right in the end. But boy, was I wrong. After a few months, we almost got back together. But then I find out that you found someone better. So I left you two alone. It was fine at first. You would still talk to me once in a while to update me. But I noticed that after my birthday, almost all communication had stopped. It was cause she got jealous easily. At least I still understood that. But now, I just don't get it. Did that mean we couldn't be friends anymore? It's funny actually. I even recall you apologizing. What was that for? 'I'm sorry, but I can't be friends with you anymore'? What's up with that? I understood the part about you having to make space between us, but this is just exaggerating.

The last promise that I remember is one that I knew you would break, but not like this. It's the typical "I'm never going to leave you, I promise" bit. By the time you said that, I knew that it was coming. That was the time that we were getting into constant arguments over nothing in particular. I was bracing myself for the worst back then. I just kept telling myself that you'll still be by my side even if we ending up breaking up. BUZZ!! Wrong again. Aside from talking, we don't even see each other anymore. What a bummer. I know, I know. It's all because you love her so much. I get it. It shows. You love her so much that you're willing to sacrifice your friends because of her. You know what? "Our" group of friends were together for two weeks in a row already. I just decided not to invite you since I knew it would just be a waste of breath. Of course you wouldn't go. Even if I ask your friends, they would already know your answer without going to you first. So yeah. I guess you have left me. Not just as a lover, but also as someone I knew.

If by any chance you're reading this, I'm sorry. I know all of this sounds offending, but I'm not writing this to get you pissed. I just wanted to be able to let all this out. I've been keeping this in for who knows how long. Long story short, I miss you. Don't worry, I am TOTALLY OVER YOU. (Okay, maybe 95%, but that's as close as I can get.) It's my friend that I miss. My best friend. The guy I told all of my secrets to. The guy who knew just what to say to make me smile again. My Kuya. I just want him back into my life. I don't care about being anything big and important in your life anymore though. I just want to be able to call you my friend again. That's all I'm asking. You know, the occasional "How are you?" would be fine. That's it. Is that really too much to ask? And I just wanna say, I love you. No, not in the romantic sense. And I don't think I can still call you a friend in this situation. So I love you as a stranger. Is that okay?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Just the other day, I got a full on sermon by my mom and dad. They went on and on about how I didn't talk to them with respect, how I'm asleep when they're awake, how I'm awake while they're asleep, and how I prioritize my friends over my family. While they went on and on about my actions, my mind was racing with things I wished I could tell them to their face. But I'm not that mean. I couldn't bring myself to tell them off and say that this is all their fault.

I know I don't talk with respect. I rarely do. My parents aren't exceptions to that. I mean, how am I supposed to respect them if they themselves can't do it to each other or even to me. I know they ARE my parents and they deserve respect, but that's not really what they're showing. They don't make themselves respectable. Would you consider respecting a couple you see outside, fighting and screaming curses at each other at 100 mph? What more if you see someone calling their own kid a son of a bitch? And how about if these curses and swears were directed at you? And for the cherry on top, imagine your own parents being the ones calling you an "anak ng puta". Would you really find the time to respect them?

They also started complaining about how I "never had time for them". They would say that they wanted to eat breakfast together, but I would have been asleep until lunch. "Kung gusto, may paraan" means If there's a will, there's a way. I've always wondered why they didn't just wake me up. If family bonding was so important to them, why didn't they show it with their actions? And if ever I do wake up early enough for it to be considered breakfast, we don't really eat together. I eat at the dining table, my dad brings his food to the living room, and my mom, well I never get to see her eat. She usually eats before or after everybody else. Even my little brother eats his food in his playroom.

When they tried to make me feel guilty by playing the "You spend more time with your friends than us" card, I had to bite my tongue. I really wanted to talk back and tell them what I felt, but I knew that would have been going too far. In my head, I was tempted to just tell them straight out that my friends are more like family to me than they were. Whenever I needed help or someone to talk to, they would be there for me, no matter how busy they were. They would be able to tell when I had something on my mind. They knew me better than anyone else. Honestly, my parents don't know anything about me. Or if they know anything, it wouldn't be much. They don't know what I do during the day. They don't know how I feel when I see them fighting. They probably don't even know what my favorite type of music is. But my friends know better. See, my friends ARE my family. That's why there's no wondering why I prioritize them over me locking myself in my bedroom the entire weekend with no one to talk to. 

And lately, I get a bunch of texts from my mom saying how she wants to move out and leave my dad. Really? Our family is already messed up as it is, and now I have way more on my plate than I can handle. Sometimes, I just wish that we didn't have all this money and power. I wish that we were just an average family that actually acts the part. I think that's what I really need now.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Have you ever made fun of someone about something? Like how they dress? How they walk? How they talk? How fat they are? I'm sure almost everyone is guilty, even if there aren't any ill intentions. But have you ever noticed how they react to your words? Do they smile? Do they laugh? Or do they just sigh and ignore it? I don't mean to be a hypocrite, but I can say that even I don't notice these little details. But have you ever wondered what they are thinking of on the receiving end?

Imagine this. You post a new photo of yourself as a display picture. Suddenly, you're surprised because you got a notification that someone commented on your picture. When you click on it, you read comments about how fat you are and how much weight you've gained. You try to joke around with them, telling them off. Then one of your friends comments on how the extra weight suits you, so you say your thanks. After a week, you end up changing your picture to a drawing that your friend made of you. Coincidence? Nah.

How about at school? You greet your friend every time you see him with a poke to the tummy, and he responds by poking back. It's all good until he switches from poking to pinching. Suddenly, you would feel more exposed. Being pinched just reminds you of how much weight you've actually gained.

You may think that I'm thinking too negatively about this, but from my background, it's more understandable. The truth is, back when I was a little kid, I was as fat as... let's just say I was round. If you have the means to stalk me and look at my old photos, you would see that. In America, it was fine. Actually, being chubby was kinda like the norm. But when I moved, everything changed. Almost all of my classmates were petite and skinny. It made me different. After a few years, when I had made some guy friends, they didn't hesitate to tell me straight out that I had some excess fats in my sides. Those small comments made me more conscious.

At first, it's fairly easy to just ignore and laugh off the comments people make. I'd even agree with them. But after a while, all of the words and actions against me kept building up inside me. It's kinda hard for someone like me to keep all this to herself. And I'm really not the type of person that tells others what's on my mind (if that wasn't obvious enough from my past posts). So that's kinda why I'm typing this right now.

But of course, it isn't enough to just stay still. I want to get rid of what they're teasing me about. So I'm TRYING to lose weight. I honestly don't know if that's a good idea though. Before, I was considered underweight, so the few pounds I gained recently is actually a plus to my health. But if it means that people will laugh at me for it, I think it would be better to just lose the extra weight.

Of course losing weight wouldn't be easy. Since this term was so hectic, I can't find the time to exercise regularly. So instead, I'm trying to reduce how much I eat. I'm not allowed to miss meals like before, but instead I'm just eating less. Less food means less spending, so I get to save money in the process. Sounds like a good deal to me. Hey, at least that's all I'm doing. Some people go as far as making themselves throw up just to lose weight.

So I guess this is just one big example to what I had in mind. Everybody has their own insecurities, whether they'll admit it or not. But it's up to all of us to realize those and be sensitive about it.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


So my friend recommended that I'd write a random post today. Strangely enough, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw "random" on my screen was to babble on about my toenails. I mean, how can it get more random than that? But after a few minutes of thinking, I figured that would be a pretty short post, so I decided against that idea. I started scanning my room for inspiration, enumerating anything and everything in sight (I even considered 'water bottle', 'scissors', 'giraffe', and 'cupcake' to name a few.) and ended up choosing cookies. Yay! ^.^

Cookies. There are many varieties of cookies, as most people are already aware. Chocolate chip, oatmeal, butter, sugar, and more. They're kinda like the pizza of desserts, with all the different toppings and recipes to choose from. My love for cookies actually shows in my blog's background, which features Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. Even my header screams SHE LIKES COOKIES. So if you don't get that, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Lately, one of my friends started selling oatmeal and cinnamon cookies around school every Monday. Whenever I see him, I'd run towards him screaming "cookies!". At that time, I wouldn't care even if I had little to no money left, I would buy at least one. Since I always buy from him, I get them at discounted prices too! Sooo, more cookies for me. :D

I don't know why I love cookies so much. I just do. I mean, who doesn't love a good cookie? I would probably survive even if I had to live on just cookies and milk (but I'd have a better chance of getting diabetes that way). And speaking of milk, doesn't it go great with cookies? Dunk a cookie in a glass of milk for a seconds and when you take a bite, it's so soft, all soaked in dairy goodness. The only downside is if you leave the cookie in the milk a little too long. It ends up crumbling into the glass and you'll have to take a while to fish the cookie bits out. But they still taste good all the same. 

Oooh, all this talk of cookies is getting me hungry. I guess it's time for me to start rummaging through my cupboards for some cookies to munch. So I'll leave this post with an apology for being a little too random and making no sense. I just hope that my post has also awaken the cookie monster in you. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Nice Nails: Halloween

This was the result of me not being able to choose just one design. So what I have is a Jack-o-Lantern, a ghost, Frankenstein's wife, Frankenstein, and a bloody finger. The Jack-o-Lantern, ghost, and Frankenstein were fails, but I like how the wife and bloody finger came out.

For the Jack-o-Lantern, I started off with a coat of orange polish. I used a green art pen for the part at the top, then a toothpick dipped in black polish for the face. Pretty simple, but my hands were a little shaky with the mouth.

For the ghost, it's just a white base with 3 black dots using an art pen. The polish smudged a bit, so the eyes weren't even. Another fail.

For Frankenstein's wife, I started off with some black matte polish as the base. When that dried, I painted half of it with some white polish then let that dry to. After some time, I dipped a toothpick in some black polish for the eyes, then I used the same toothpick and dipped it in red polish for the lips. Using the same toothpick gave me a hint of black polish in the lips, which turned out pretty good. I finished it off by using a white art pen for the two squiggly stripes in her hair. :)

For Frankenstein, I used a lime green base coat. Then I followed up with the hair, scar, and mouth, all done using a black art pen. I made two white dots using an art pen for the eyes, then finished it off with a couple of black dots using a toothpick. I think I put a little too much hair and scar, which made the face a little uneven.

Lastly, I used some red polish for the bloody finger. This was the easiest to do actually. I just couldn't think of any other Halloween character, so i settled for this simple design, which turned out pretty good. :D

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I've had a month long hiatus, so I'm apologizing to my readers (if I have any). That's the longest I've gone without blogging since I made this. So I guess it's time to make up for it. It's just that I've been so busy lately. Oh well.

On my way back to Manila earlier, I had my earphones plugged into my ears the entire bus ride. I woke up after an hour and this song played on my iPod. I listened to the lyrics intently and thought that each and every line fitted me perfectly. So I decided to myself that I'd blog about it.

Alright, I'm not entirely sure if this song is for those that are bipolar or what, but it sure sounds like it. It just sounds like someone who's confused about herself and figured that the best way to describe herself would be to call herself "special". She obviously took the positive path, and I think that was a great idea. During the stanzas, I kept on agreeing with what she said about herself, so when it came to the chorus, I couldn't say no. 

All in all, I figured that this song is pretty inspirational for those who don't know who they are in this world. :)

I Am - Hillary Duff Lyrics

I'm an angel, I'm a devil
I am sometimes in between
I'm as bad it can get
And good as it can be
Sometimes I'm a million colors
Sometimes I'm black and white
I am all extremes
Try to figure me out you never can
There's so many things I am

I am special
I am beautiful
I am wonderful
And powerful
Sometimes I'm miserable
Sometimes I'm pitiful
But that's so typical of all the things I am

I'm someone filled with self-belief
And haunted by self-doubt
I've got all the answers
I've got nothing figured out
I like to be by myself
I hate to be alone
I'm up and I am down
But that's part of the thrill
Part of the plan
Part of all of the things I am

I am special
I am beautiful
I am wonderful
And powerful
Sometimes I'm miserable
Sometimes I'm pitiful
But that's so typical of all the things I am

I'm a million contradictions
Sometimes I make no sense
Sometimes I'm perfect
Sometimes I'm a mess
Sometimes I'm not sure who I am

I am special
I am beautiful
I am wonderful
And powerful
Sometimes I'm miserable
Sometimes I'm pitiful
But that's so typical of all the things I am

I am special
I am beautiful
I am wonderful
And powerful
Sometimes I'm miserable
Sometimes I'm pitiful
But that's so typical of all the things I am
Of all the things I am
Sometimes I'm miserable
Sometimes I'm pitiful
But that's so typical of all the things I am
Of all the things I am

Friday, September 14, 2012

What happened?

Remember those times that we'd stay up until morning just chatting, even though we had class the next day? When we would laugh about the most random things? How I would call in the middle of the night and just listening to your breathing while you slept? When we would take the long route back home just to extend the time we had together, and end up running back home because of the rain? I wonder, what happened?

You were my friend. No, more than that. You were my best friend. You were the first person I ever opened up to, the person that changed me the most. You taught me so much, like to enjoy life more. You were also the one that brought me back to God. You showed me so much. You taught me to be thankful again, to stop looking at just the downside to everything. You showed me that there really is a meaning in my life. But then again, what happened?

You always knew just what to say to turn my frown upside down. You were there for me when I needed you. You would hold me tight when I needed a hug. You'd even throw french fries at me for no reason in particular. While playing games that I was no good at, you were the one that got revenge for every time I died. When you knew I was crying, you'd comfort me. You'd talk to me over the phone if you knew I really needed to hear someone's voice. You showed me that I wasn't alone. It was because you were there. But what happened?

You'd hold my hand while we walked around the neighborhood. You'd hand me a bouquet of roses and tell me you loved me. You'd hug me. You'd kiss me. You would tell me things that sounded so sweet. You'd write me letters, even though you keep telling me you're no good with that kind of thing. You'd even go out of your way to make sure that I got home safe. I think about it everyday, what happened?

But something changed. We fought. We argued about the stupidest things. I'd cry. You'd say sorry. I'd forgive you. And we'd repeat the process. We grew apart. Something was not right. We could tell. We talked about it. We agreed. And we said goodbye. What happened?

And now, after 3 years of knowing you, of loving you, it's your special day. Before, we would spend it together. We'd go out, do something fun with our friends. So, what happened? Now, we don't even talk. What was once something we did everyday became a rare event. And now I can't even celebrate your day with you, no matter how much I want to. And trust me. You don't know how much I want to see you, to be able to greet you personally. But things just can't go the way me want them to. Oh well.

So if you're reading this, I just want to say happy birthday. Thank you for all of the memories that you gave me. I'm just so happy that you were born 18 years ago and I met you. I pray that you would be happy with your life. And remember, if ever you need someone to talk to, I'll just be right here, waiting. So enjoy your day. Have a good one. :) I love you.  I miss you.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hello my blog! I missed you so much! I haven't had any time for blogging lately. Life has been pretty hectic recently. But finally, I have time to wind down for a bit and relax. Finals just finished, and a new term is approaching soon.

Vacation. It's what most people look forward to after a long time of studying or working. It could mean a trip to the beach, a wild party, or even just a cup of chocolate and a nice book. It's a way to just relax and have fun doing anything you want. Some people like to go with the flow during their vacations, but there are others that like to plan things out.

Say that you were given a two month vacation. What would you do? Plan a trip to another country? Go site-seeing? Visit some relatives? Or would you just keep yourself at hope and spend the entire day in your pajamas? Different people have different perspectives as to how they want to spend their free time. What the word 'vacation' means to you could be entirely different from the thoughts of the person next to you. And that's fine. It's our own thoughts and opinions, so why should others influence us?

Now think about this. You just finished an entire term of stress in college. You passed all of your finals, submitted all of your projects. You're relieved that you actually survived the entire term with all of your limbs intact. Your long-awaited vacation is just about to start. But wait, there's a catch. The term break is only three days long.

What would YOU do? Actually, there are many things that can be done in the span of three days. You can catch up on sleep that you lost during the finals week. You can watch a few series that you missed out on. You can play a few games. You could spend your vacation like any other long weekend.

But then again, would you really want your vacation to be that monotonous? I personally wouldn't. I mean, this is still different from your normal long weekend. This is the only time where there is no stress involved. No worrying about assignments due on Monday. No fretting over quizzes and tests the following week. No nothing.

I would prefer to spend my short vacation having a blast. And that's exactly what I'm planning to do. My bags are packed and ready to go. I'm gonna be going on a two day / one night trip to Subic with my friends. And boy, our schedule is packed! We have some time at the beach, hiking, eating out, and just having fun. It's time to just forget about the start of classes for a while, and just to enjoy the time now. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 30: A Picture Of You From Last Year And Now. How much have you changed?

Wow, look how fast the time has gone. That was pretty quick though. I guess I never realized how a year has already gone by. Well, a lot has happened since a year ago. I changed a lot, I experienced a lot, I grew a lot (except in the height department). I dunno how I'm supposed to list down everything that has changed in me though, so I guess I'll just go for the main bits.

A year ago, as you can see in the picture, I was still really happy. I didn't worry about being alone, I didn't have trust issues, I was alright. I'm not blaming anyone for the change that happened though, except maybe myself. I mean, it is kinda my fault that I changed like this. Now, I would cry almost every night. I would keep a box full of memories near me and I would read the little notes that someone made for me before so I wouldn't feel so alone. I have tons of stuffed toys to hug and keep me company during the night now. Deep down, I became scared of what would happen to me. Yeah, I guess this change is not for the good. My attitude totally changed around people. I would get mad easily, I would start swearing whenever I could (which is something I never did a year ago), and I wouldn't be able to control my emotions. Hmm. As I'm typing this, I realize that my life sucks. :/

Well of course, not everything that changed about me is bad. I mean, I've also changed for the better. Back then, I was a selfish brat that only thought of myself. Now, I guess you can take the brat part out. I'm still selfish, but not as bad as before. I prioritize others before myself now. I've also become more responsible. I joined a bunch of extra curricular activities to help me pass the time, like Mathematics Circle and the College Government of Science. I also have a lot more new friends now. I'm more approachable now than before. Sometimes, I even make the first move to make a new friend, which is something I rarely did before. I guess you can say that I have become a lot busier now. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. It helps keep my mind off of things.

I guess the biggest change though is how I have grown beside God. I remember back in high school when I would never go to church unless there's a required mass in school. But now, I regularly attend a youth service on Fridays and small groups on Tuesdays. Yeah, I know I still have a long way to go, and I know that I still do a lot of wrong that no one would be proud of, but at least now I can say that I'm trying to get back to God. I'm at least making an effort to change for the better. I want to be able to share to others that I am following God's will. I want to make God proud to have a daughter like me. I know that this might take a while, but I'm still willing to go on, even if it's just one step at a time.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 29: Your Favorite Song

Normally, my automatic response when someone asks me what my favorite song is would be My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, but to have a little variety, I want to base my answer on my iTunes. I guess my favorite song would have to be the one with the most plays, and that song is none other than Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse with 106 plays as of today.

I really like this song cause it reminds me so much of the time when I was still a kid. This song is pretty old already, but I still love it. I even played this song, along with an entire album, on loop for an entire day when I heard that Lifehouse had a concert here in the Philippines and I couldn't go. I literally locked myself in my room and started playing songs until the day was done.

Well, here it is. :)

Hanging by a Moment - Lifehouse Lyrics

Desperate for changing, starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started, I'm chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held on to
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Forgetting all I'm lacking, completely incomplete
I'll take your invitation, you take all of me now

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held on to
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you

There's nothing else to lose, there's nothing else to find
There's nothing in the world that can change my mind
There is nothing else
There is nothing else
There is nothing else

Desperate for changing, starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started, I'm chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held on to
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you

Just hanging by a moment
Just hanging by a moment
I'm hanging by a moment
Just hanging by a moment here with you

Day 28: A Picture Of What You Wore Today

Since this is a 30 DAY Challenge, I'm going to use what I wore on August 28.

Well for this week, I decided to wear black EVERY DAY. It's not that I'm emo or whatever. It's just that lately I was in no mood to be wearing bright colors. Since it was really sunny out, and I was wearing black, I decided to leave the jacket behind just for this day. We only had two subjects anyways, so it wasn't that bad. My normal outfit would normally comprise of a loose t-shirt, jeans, and a jacket though. So for this day, I just had a top that had a hood attached (I've gotten used to having hoods since I normally wear jackets every day.) and jeans. Pretty simple actually.

Day 27: A Picture Of You And Your Family

This is my family. Well yeah, it's still not complete, but it's the closest I can get. My Kuya Jack and Ate Jill weren't able to be come with us when we took this though. This picture was taken at a pier in Coronado, overlooking the night view of Downtown San Diego and the bay. In this picture, you can see my dad, mom, my two brothers (Kuya Lee and Andrew), my sister-in-law (Ate Chiqui), and my lola. We took this when we went back to California for Christmas break. Since we live in the Philippines now while the rest of our family is still back in America, it is a rare chance for us to be complete. No matter what happens though, I know that I love each and every one of them, even if they sometimes get a little annoying. ♥

Day 26: Fictional Character You Admire

Anyone who actually knows me can probably guess which fictional character I would pick. She's not from a book, not from a movie, but a game. That's right, I choose Yuna from Final Fantasy X.

I chose Yuna because she has so many characteristics that I only wish I had. The one thing that I saw in her that I liked the most though was her determination to do something for others without even thinking of herself. She would go through all of those challenges without question, as long as she knew that it was for the greater good.

*Spoiler alert*
If you've played the game already, you would know that summoners would go on a pilgrimage on a quest to get the final Aeon in order to defeat Sin. They would travel all over Spira, going from temple to temple, just so that in the end, they would be able to grant others with the Calm. But this comes with a terrible price. The summoner would only be able to call upon the final Aeon with the cost of the life of one of their guardians to become the next Sin, and their own life. Now that's what I would call a selfless sacrifice.

See, I would love to see myself be that... selfless. I don't like how I've been living my life. I see myself as a selfish and spoiled brat that needs to learn her lesson. Hey, at least I know and accept that I'm like this. Unlike some people that THINK they are perfect and all that. (Sorry about the random ranting ^^v)

Day 25: Guilty Food Pleasure

Alrighty. So, it’s already the 30th of August and I’m still only on day 25 of the challenge. I am giving myself only until tomorrow to finish this all up. I ultimately fail at this challenge. Huhuhu. T.T Oh well.

When I heard ‘guilty food pleasure’, the first thing that popped into my head was chocolate. It’s kind of like a generalization for most of the population. But that’s not my case. My guilty food pleasure has to be instant noodles. Weird huh?

For some reason, I love to eat salty foods. I also like to eat pasta and noodles. So what better way to enjoy those two than to eat instant noodles? Stupid logic, huh? Though I love to eat them, I know that they are bad for me, making them my ‘guilty’ pleasure. I already have a few minor complications because of my poor eating habits. My doctor even recommended me to go on a NO SODIUM diet. Knowing my tastebuds, I knew that was not gonna happen anytime soon, so my mom decided to go for a compromise and have a LOW SODIUM diet for me instead. Guess what? I still don’t follow that. Oops. Another thing about instant noodles is the fact that they are ‘instant’, meaning they have preservatives, preservatives, and more preservatives. Yeah, having instant foods are fine every once in a while, but I have them almost every day. The fact that I don’t eat fruits or vegetables doesn’t help.

So what am I trying to say? I am a wreck when it comes to my eating habits, but I can’t get myself to stop. Oh well. :D

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 24: Your Personal Collection

Now this is gonna be a hard post. I have so many collections, that it would be hard to pick just one. Can I just call it my collection of collections? I guess I'll just describe them all, just to be sure. :D

I love to collect keychains, especially those that came from somewhere far away. I love getting keychains that have the names of the places on them, especially those cute little shells with fine handwriting on it. Whenever I go somewhere knew, I try my best to get a hold of a new keychain to add to my collection. Keychains aren't just objects to me. They are reminders of the things that I have done, the places that I have visited, and the memories that I made there.

Now this is one of the more serious collections I have. I am the third generation in my family to collect coins and monetary units from all over the world. It all started when my grandpa was still alive. He then passed in on to my dad, and now we both are working to add more to this collection. My dad even spent about Php15,000 just on some old coins. But in time, these coins are gonna be worth way more than that.

This is just one of my minor collections, and it came about from my nature-loving side. I just love to look at the various shapes and sizes of shells, so I even have a guide book about the different types there are. My favorite part of collecting shells is the fact that I can hold them to my ear and 'hear the ocean' in them.

Beanie Babies
From little McDonald's toys to giant bears, I LOVE to collect beanie babies. They come in various styles and sizes, and they each have a name and poem attached to their ear. There are even a few that are limited edition, coming out for a specific occasion. I love stuffed toys, so what better to collect than this?

Pokemon Cards
Now this is a spin-off from my big brother's baseball card collection. Mine is based on the game and anime Pokemon, which I watched back when I was a little kid. Until now, I still play the games using either my DS, Gamecube, or an emulator on my cellphone. I mean, who doesn't like Pokemon? My collection is a mix of both English and Japanese cards, but they are all original. I have completed the entire Kanto region, and a good portion of the Jhoto region, but from Hoenn and onwards, I have but a few cards.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 23: Favourite Baby Names

Okay, I'm not so sure what I'm supposed to answer to this. Is it a baby name I want for my future child (if I ever get one)? Or any baby name? Oh whatever.

Ever since I thought about it, I've always imagined having two kids in the future, a boy and a girl. I wanted them to have matching names, like Jack and Jill. But since that was already the names of my older brother and sister, I guess I have to think of something a little more... original.

I thought that maybe characters from Final Fantasy would be unique enough. So I thought of the names Leon and Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII. Yeah, I guess it does kind of seem weird that I want to name my kids after video game characters. Meh, it's probably not gonna happen anyways.

Well for names that aren't by partner, I've always liked the name Radianne Estelle for a girl since I first heard it. It has a nice vibe to it. For a boy, the name I would like would have to be either Nhixxel or Vaughn. Both are really unique, and they came from people that I actually knew.

I guess that you can generalize that I want baby names that are unique and memorable. But I highly doubt I'll be using any of these names in the future. Oh well. This is all just for the sake of this challenge.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 22: What Would I Find In My Bag

Well, here's my bag. And my stuff. Okay, done with this post. :)) Nah, I'm just kidding. This is my bag that I bring around almost everywhere now since my doggy bag Masian gets dirty easily. It's a small sling bag though, but it always has a lot of stuff in it. This is also my bag for when I go to school (I'm obviously such a good student. See my invisible notebook?). Let me go into more detail with its contents.

The CROSS In My Pocket
This is just a small reminder for me to always think of God wherever I go. It was given to me by one of my best friends, so it's really sentimental to me.

Well, this one is an obvious one. It has my keys to my condo, the key to my mailbox at the lobby, another key that I don't remember what it's for, a keychain that has my high school logo on it, and Tidus' sword from FFX that was given to me by the same best friend I was talking about earlier. All of these are attached to a La Salle lanyard that I got for free when I got my acceptance letter thingy.

Come on, I'm not THAT bad of a student. I keep a few pens in my bag just in case there is a seatwork or test or something. At least I'm a little prepared.

Jack Skeleton Wallet
This is my latest wallet (I change my wallet whenever I get a new one) that I bought when I went back to America for vacation. It contains some dollars, pesos (usually 500s or 1000s), reciepts from when I withdraw from an ATM, my credit cards, and some pictures of my closest friends. This wallet is only in my bag if I need it though. I would normally just leave it in my condo.

Black Coin Purse
This is where I keep my smaller amounts of money. This is what I usually bring around so that I won't spend too much. It also has a little charm from Palawan that one of my close friends gave to me.

Sticky Notes
I don't really know why I keep this in my bag. I don't use it much though. I guess it would be useful if I just have to jot something down or something.

Bowling Shoes Rental Tickets
For some reason, I keep these tickets to remind me that a certain someone owes me a stuffed toy because he lost to me in a game of bowling. I even noted our final score that time, which was 82-79. It was a really close fight too. I guess now I don't wanna get that toy anymore though. But I still won't throw these tickets away.

Since I get sick really easy, I always keep a pack of Neozep in my bag just in case I suddenly catch a cold due to the air conditioning in a classroom or something. I always bring a jacket with me anyways, but it's still cold sometimes.

Since I don't eat right (yes, I admit to this), I need vitamins to keep me going. I don't eat fruits or vegetables, so I really need to balance the nutrients I take in. That's what my vitamins are for.

Samsung Galaxy Y
This phone has my Smart sim card (and I don't even know my own number) that I don't use and it also has a couple of emulators. I usually just play games during class instead of listen, so this is what I use. Lately, I've been playing Pokemon Emerald on my Gameboid emulator.

This is my new phone since my old MyPhone kind of broke. It's low-tech and even has a TV in it, but it does the job just fine. It has my Sun and Globe sim cards, and it's my new main phone. Yep, it's dualsim and has a qwerty keyboard, so it fits my need just fine.

Aside from these, there are also a couple of things that are usually in my bag, but they just aren't in the photo.

My ID is in a small lion case attached to a Arashi lanyard. It also has a bunch of remembrances like tickets to Enchanted Kingdom, Star City, and Ozine Fest. There's also a keychain of a shark attached that came from my high school friend.

For obvious reasons, I couldn't take a picture of this. It's a Samsung that my big brother gave me, and I bring it around everywhere just in case. Who knows when something big suddenly happens, right? Better prepared than not.

Day 21: A Place You See Yourself In 5 Years

Ugh, another future post. Fudge. Oh well, I guess I'll have to at least TRY.

So in 5 years, I would have already graduated by then (hopefully) so I would just have to say that I already have a job by then and that I live apart from my parents. I've always wanted to live away from them, to be independent. Since 5 years is still pretty close, I would guess that I still have my condo and that I would be working somewhere in Manila. I would see myself sleeping on my sofa, since that's where I sleep every night. My condo wouldn't be too messy though, since I probably would have matured enough by then to start cleaning my condo right. I would imagine that it would look a little like the 'after' in this post. I would still have my games and books though, since I highly doubt I would have gotten over them in just 5 years (or anytime for that matter).

You may be wondering why I didn't just say that I saw myself at my job. Well, it's probably because I can't reallyy imagine seeing myself in a place that I've never been to before. I don't even know what kind of job I'm going to get into, or what kind of working environment I'll be staying in. So my safest bet was to say what I know I wanted, which was my independence. Meh, even though I like having company, I still prefer to live alone.

Day 20: You Goals For This Month

Oh. My. Gulay.
I'm SOOOOO sorry. It's been a week since I last posted. This past week has just been so hectic and stressful. I fail at this challenge. T.T So for today, I'm going to get back up and post 7 posts all before midnight. Hooray? Hooray! So let's get this show on the road.

This month, I have so much I want to do. So much I have to finish. So I'm just gonna list everything down. My goals for this month are to

  • Finish the 30 Day Challenge ON TIME. (This one's gonna be a toughy.)
  • PASS my classes (especially MATH115, INTOSET, and PHYFUN1).
  • Finish my ENGLRES research paper (more about it here).
  • Not kill myself (which is getting pretty hard to maintain lately).
  • Stop crying at night (which is even harder than the last one).
  • Get serious in studying (I doubt this will happen though).
  • Change my attitude and stuff. (I just know I need to change. I'm not so sure about exactly what I have to change though.)
and last, but not definitely not the least,
  • Get closer to God. ♥

Yep, I think that's about it. Pretty simple when you think about it. Now, on to my next post for today. :))

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 19: A Picture Of You When You're A Baby

I'm not entirely sure if this is considered as a baby picture, but it'll have to do cause it's the best I have. A lot of people say I looked cute back then when they saw this, but I think it's just because almost all kids look cute. Just my opinion though.

The only thing that I like to emphasize in this picture is that I'm already with my doggy bag, Masian, in this picture. It's proof that he's been there for me ever since, and until now, he still watches over me while I sleep.  :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 18: A Place You’ve Never Visited But Want To

Now this is a little hard, since there are so many places that I haven't visited but want to. I guess I'm just gonna have to talk about only one of them. And I'm going to say that I've always wanted to go to Hawaii.

Hawaii, the ideal vacation spot. Now most people visit this place to relax and just get away from their hectic daily lives, and who's to blame them to choose Hawaii out of all the places to go? From the beaches to the cultural activities, there are plenty of sights to see and things to do in these islands. But I'm not going to talk about the main tourist spots in this post. I'm going to go deeper into the less known beauties of this state.

You know how Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? That means it's far, far away from the hustle and bustle of those big cities. Which means less light pollution and clearer night skies. That's right. All I want to do in Hawaii is to lay back and stare at the stars. Hawaii is known as one of the world's best stargazing spots, so it's definitely on my list.

This post is pretty short, but it's the best that I can do for now. :)

Day 17: A Hobby Of Yours

Noooooooo! This is my second late post. A lot has happened yesterday so I didn't get a chance to go online or anything. T.T So because of that, I owe you guys 2 posts. So, here it is. :D

Now I'm the type of girl that is half-hearted with almost everything she does. In other words, unlike other people, I don't have that one thing that I'm interested in. My interests range from Final Fantasy to coin and key chain collecting. I've also tried a whole bunch of things, like learning how to play the piano to playing table tennis. So when I read that this post was about a hobby of mine, I was stuck with the question 'Which one?'. Sucks, doesn't it?

Well since it isn't asking for my favorite hobby but just one of them, I guess I shouldn't be stressing myself too much with this post. Out of all the random stuff I end up doing, I'm gonna have to say that playing Dance Dance Revolution would be considered a hobby of mine. If you don't know what that is, you have been missing out on one of the best rhythm games ever. :O

DDR, like most great games, originated from Japan, by a company that sounds Japanese too, Konami. It's basically just stepping on a bunch of arrows along to the beat of a song. Simple as that. You can usually find a DDR machine in most arcades, but it's not just limited to that. I grew up playing DDR on a Playstation. When using a console, you have the choice of using a dance pad (which is a tad expensive, but totally worth it) or just using the controller.

I learned all about this addicting game from my big brother. He's one of the best players I have ever seen in person, even though he's a little rusty now due to lack of practice. When I was little, you could find me in his bedroom just watching him play. You see, I really love my big brother, so I ended up copying A LOT from him, from his interest in games and computers all the way to his randomness. So that includes DDR.

For those that don't have a Playstation (I pity you) or don't wanna embarrass themselves with playing at an arcade, there IS an alternative. It's a PC game called Step Mania, where it has the same concepts as DDR, expect for the fact that you have to download the individual songs and use a keyboard. I highly recommend that you at least try this game out, and you may end up enjoying it like I do. And remember, it's WAY more fun to play this game with a friend that's jumping around on dance pads beside you.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 16: Your Best Friend

I've realized something when I saw what this post is supposed to be about. I've had A LOT of best friends, all the way back from elementary until now. Even if it's just from the past, they still count as my best friends, so I'll give a shout out to a couple of them before I go on about the rest.

This is Ashley Holliday. One of the weirdest but also one of the funnest people to be around. We've been close ever since I could remember, and I know that she would always be there for me when I needed her. I even remember getting involved in argument just to take her side. That's how much I love her.

Now this is one of the promises she made with me, back when I was still in America. And I am totally going to hold onto this until this promise comes true. "And one day, we're actually gonna hang out. AND I WANT TO RUN TO YOU IN SLOW MOTION. Okay? Okay. ♥" [Alrighty, confession time. My eyes are getting watery just thinking of this girl and how much I miss her. Okay, now I'm homesick. :/]

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 15: A Picture Of You And Your Friends

Oh come on. I have a LOT of friends. And I don't have any pictures with ALL of them in it. So I'm gonna post a lot of pictures. Since it was supposed to be just one picture, I'll just make the captions short and simple to make up for it.


Team Awesome and friends. Enchanted Kingdom.

Water Camp. Day before start of fourth year high school.

JS Prom. Third Year.

SM Bacoor. When Pat came back. :)

KFC. Same as above.

And of course, I could never forget to put in this picture. This is my REAL family, the ones that stayed by me no matter how weird or dramatic my life gets. The ORIGINAL Haha Family. ♥