Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

Just the other day, I was busy ranting about how my body clock won't let me fall asleep. Well now I can't STAY asleep either. -_- Whoop-dee-doo. I only had 4 hours of sleep til I woke up. And once I'm awake, there's no going back to dreamland. So here I am, stuck with nothing to do on a rainy Tuesday. And here's the best part: I woke up at 6AM, but my class doesn't start until 11AM. So that's 5 hours of pure boredom on my part. That's kinda why I decided to just type. And type. And type some more.

You might ask: What is this post about? Well I'll tell you this. It's about nothing in particular. I'm not gonna handle any specific topic in this post. This is just cause of my boredom. So if you don't like posts that have no meaning, just keep scrolling (or clicking) away.

So what am I gonna talk about? Here it is: Random shit. Yep, that's right. This is gonna be a post where I just rant about my life and how bored I am. Exciting right? Yeah, I know you're interested. Deep, deep, DEEP down inside you're just dying to know more about me and how I have the sniffles today. So worry not, I shall not disappoint in providing you an insight as to what I am thinking as of now and other trivial matters. And like it or not, you ARE gonna like this post.

So. Hmm. Well, it's a Tuesday. And it's raining. And I have the sniffles. *Achoo*


Okay, this is harder than I thought. ANYWAYS. Let me just talk about what I've done lately. 

So you're probably aware that it's already July. Yep, June has already come and gone, and a new month lies in wait for us. And what's the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear "July"? Of course it would be the 4th of July! I know I'm currently residing in the Philippines, but that won't stop my from celebrating with the rest of my home country. Even my condo unit has a sorta patriotic feel to it. Garlands outline the border of my entertainment system, flashing red, white, and blue. My right hand is also sporting a red, white, and blue design (which I just painted this morning when I woke up).

What else is new? Well I guess that the fact that it's pouring outside this early is something worthwhile to talk about. I mean, it's been pretty hot out lately, so the sudden rain is a nice change. I guess this marks the start of the rainy season here. And, as a student, that means only one thing: CLASS SUSPENSIONS. I'm guessing that almost every student that has class today is praying for an announcement of some sort so that they have a reason to just kick back and relax at home. Even if I'm bored out of my mind here, I want to hear those sweet words that I can keep myself glued to my sofa. I mean who wants to have class? o.O

Honestly, I think it's harder to blog about nothing than to just come up with a topic. It's kinda hard to just write without heading anywhere with it. Or maybe it's just because I'm too sleepy to think? I dunno. Oh well. I guess I'll stop for now and write more when I can think straight again. Thanks for reading even though it was kinda a waste of your time. ☺

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